Single Flank Test is a fast inspection method for gears
The root principle of Single Flank Testing is meshing a Master Gear (a near perfect gear) and a workpiece with a fixed axial distance. By using a braked axle only one flank (left or right, thrust or trailing) is meshing.
Both axes are fitted with a rotary encoder, allowing to compare the actual-/desired angle. In contrast to Double Flank Gear Test an independent evaluation of both flanks is possible. Depending on workpiece geometry FRENCO is offering different variants of Machines
All Machines are equipped with FRENCO Measurement Electronics MEG32. Evaluation is done with FRENCO Software RMpro.
Inspection with Master Gear
Inspection with Master Gear
Inspection with Helical Master Gear (available at
FRENCO) or Mating Product Gears